It's got it all, folks. Awkward articles, poems, and even trash cans. There are puns too... Several, very awful puns.

Made this ad, too. If you'd like to read the article from Lapham's, check it out here. Shout out to Garret Keizer for writing such a freaking cool article.

Lind's Redding wrote a brutally honest essay on life in advertising right before he died. Long story short, he didn't care much for it.

William Safire of the New York Times once suggested that "the root of this pace-growing use of puns is often a headliner-writer’s need for quick catchiness, and has resulted in a new tolerance for a long-despised form of humor." This was pun-intentional.

Turns out Paul Rand wasn't that stoked about stuff either. Huh.

The secret is out. I love graffiti on trash cans. With this passion for the gross in-tow, I set out to catalog the most well curated cans in the cleanest neighborhood in Seattle. Capitol Hill.

Terrance Hayes is an incredible author and poet. And Lighthead's Guide to the Galaxy is something special. It was the perfect poem to get artsy with.